Paul K. Metheney, author, educator, marketerAll-Star Radio Interview on The Writer’s Edge
Paul K. Metheney will be one of the guests on the Writer’s Edge podcast, on Friday, December 29th at 4 pm in their all-star radio interview. The Internet radio show, hosted by McKensie Stewart, an author, educator, and entrepreneur living in Charlotte, NC, will be the All-Star show, as guests from previous shows are invited back to discuss their fields of expertise. Paul is an author, a marketing expert of over 30 years, and the marketing consultant for Left Hand Publishers. He will be discussing marketing for authors, brands, and books on the show.
McKensie Stewart, an author, educator, and talk show personalityAbout McKensie Stewart
After a career change, McKensie discovered her love for writing. She is passionate about teaching and inspiring others to follow their dreams. McKensie Stewart’s book, Shattered, An Emily Graham Novel, is the first in her series.
Paul was previously a guest on McKensie’s show on Sept 15th. You can go to The Writer’s Edge website and scroll down to the September 15th show to hear it.