Before I even write this, I am going to state (once more) for the record: I am not anti-transgender or anti-gay. I am anti-political correctness, especially in areas it should be in least.
The Politically Correct Faux PasTransgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney
If you’re not aware, there is a backlash among musicians, particularly country musicians, that Anheuser-Busch has recently teamed up with transgender woman Dylan Mulvaney. They (preferred pronoun) are a biological male (I won’t say MAN because that is a term I use to include other attributes, such as responsibility, gentlemanliness (?), respect for the elderly and women, etc.) who on “Sunday, the day of the women’s final and the day before the men’s championship, transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney, 26, shared a sponsored post on her Instagram account promoting Bud Light’s March Madness contest.” 1 In their sponsored Instagram post, Dylan wrote “Happy March Madness!! Just found out this had to do with sports and not just saying it’s a crazy month!” So, it’s okay to mock sports enthusiasts on a sponsored post between two major sporting events aimed at sports fanatics who drink beer in an attempt to sell more beer? What rocket scientist came up with this idea? They even created cans with their (Dylan’s) picture on them to celebrate their (Dylan’s) one year anniversary as transgender.
John Rich (of Big & Rich) has pulled Bud Light and Anheuser-Busch products from his popular Nashville bar, Redneck Riviera. Travis Tritt, who was once sponsored by Bud Light has announced he is done with them. Kid Rock posted a video of blowing away cases of Bud Light with an automatic rifle. Now, let’s get real. These guys are not exactly A-listers in the music world these days. Sure, ten/fifteen years ago, they were big, but now maybe this is just them trying to get ink and be in the news again. OR… maybe they really feel this way…OR both. Beer consumers are certainly the country music market. So they are preaching to their (not a preferred pronoun) choir. (Can you hear me, Anheuser-Busch? They are catering to their market! Hello? Is anyone out there? Is thing on?) A-B’s defense to all the backlash is: it went viral. Corona Virus went viral and that didn’t make it a good thing. The war in Ukraine went viral. The 9/11 attacks went viral. But nobody goes “Mmmmm, gimme more of dat!” Somebody at A-B needs to step away from their smartphone.
That being said, even Caitlyn Jenner (I’m sorry, but I still think of him/her as Bruce in the Olympics), has tweeted “Let’s not ‘normalize’ any of what this person is doing. This is absurdity!” in regards to a post about Mulvaney meeting with Biden.
To quote David Hookstead from the website “This situation is just another reminder that going woke almost never ends well. Anheuser-Busch is a beer company. People want to enjoy a cold brew after a hard day of work. That’s all that’s asked of Anheuser-Busch and Bud Light. Nobody as far as I know is also asking for a side of politics with their beer. Why would Bud Light think this was a good idea?“
I can’t take anyone serious who’s job is a self-proclaimed “social media influencer”. I am not a sheep. Despite Caitlyn once killing it in the Olympics, I don’t care for the Kardashian model of being a celebrity for the sake of being a celebrity. You want to influence me, come wax my motorcycle!
Anheuser-Busch thought it was a good idea to sponsor a person who didn’t know what March Madness was during March Madness?
Anheuser-Busch: your market is good ole boys who love sports, country music, and old-fashioned American values. Were you expecting them to embrace a transgender “social media influencer”? That miss was so huge, you can’t even feel the air of that ball passing by.
When Caitlyn Jenner challenges the ‘absurdity’ of the ‘normalization’ of what a transgender spokesperson is representing: WARNING FLAG!
Is the over-the-top hyper-feminism exhibited by transgenders any more acceptable or realistic than blackface minstrels back in the day?
In the spirit of complete transparency, I am not a beer drinker. But if I were, it would be a no-brainer to boycott companies that are so inept at their own marketing that they will embrace political correctness to spite their income. (Can you say Dixie Chicks insulting an American president to country fans? I think you can.)
If you wanted to boycott some of their (NOT a preferred pronoun) products or voice your displeasure at their blatant attempts to ‘get woke’, here are some of their more popular brands: