Longmire is here!
That was the name of the seminar at the Tucson Festival of Books in Tucson, AZ, Saturday, March 12th. I got to listen to, question, meet, and get a book signed by Craig Johnson, author of the Walt Longmire Mysteries. Craig is without doubt my favorite author. I have read all the Longmire books, watched the series when it first came out, binged it on Netflix, and now own the Blu-Ray collection.
Along with Johnson was A. Martinez, a veteran actor, who besides “Jacob Whitehorse” on Longmire has played in nearly EVERY soap opera and The Cowboys with John Wayne.
Johnson was hysterical in some of the stories he tells about the writing of the books and his life. Very self-deprecating and seems like a genuinely nice guy. I also got to meet his wonderful wife, Judy, while in line. According to Johnson, they own a ranch in the Ucross area of Wyoming, with a population of about 75. This is his 17th year of writing Longmire books. He said he was the lowest paid person on the Longmire set. Which tells you everything you need to know about making a living as a an author. According to his wife, they, and Robert Taylor from the Longmire series, will be at Longmire Days in Buffalo, Wyoming in mid-August. If you are fan of the series or the books and get a chance, I heavily recommend going to listen to him talk.